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    Learning and Development

    Closing the Skills Gap: What L&Ds must do to future-proof their organization

    Noa Peled
    July 20, 2023
    4 min read

    “We have a talent shortage” 

    “People aren’t productive enough”

    “My employees keep complaining they feel stuck in their career”

    If these problems sound familiar, you’re not alone.

    But these aren’t ‘problems’, these are symptoms of a skills gap that most L&Ds are faced with, yet usually don’t have the tools to solve. 

    Based on our close work with L&Ds on solving the skills gap they face in their organizations, we came up with these practical ‘must-do’s that you could begin implementing tomorrow:

    Assessing Current Skill Set

    Before implementing any strategies or tools, it is essential to have a clear understanding of the current skill set within the organization. Conducting a thorough assessment will help identify the specific areas where skill deficiencies exist. This can be done through various methods:

    1. Skills Gap Analysis: Perform a comprehensive skills gap analysis to identify the gaps between the skills required for the job and the skills possessed by employees. This analysis can involve surveys, interviews, and assessments to gather data on employee competencies.
    2. Performance Reviews: Regular performance reviews can provide valuable insights into employees’ strengths and weaknesses. By evaluating individual and team performance, you can identify areas where additional training or development is needed.

    Customized Training Programs

    Once the skill gaps have been identified, it is crucial to develop targeted training programs that address those deficiencies. Here are some strategies to consider:

    1. Tailored Learning Paths: Create customized learning paths for employees based on their individual skill gaps. This can include a combination of online courses, workshops, mentoring, and on-the-job training. By personalizing the learning experience, employees are more likely to engage and acquire the necessary skills for the job.
    2. Microlearning Modules: Break down training content into bite-sized modules that can be easily consumed by employees. Microlearning allows for flexible learning schedules and encourages continuous learning by providing short, focused bursts of information.
    3. Gamification: Incorporate gamification elements into training programs to make learning more engaging and interactive. By introducing challenges, rewards, and friendly competition, employees are motivated to acquire new skills and improve their performance.

    Learning Management Systems (LMS) for upskilling & reskilling

    A robust learning management system can be a valuable tool for HR and L&D professionals in closing the skills gap, providing HRs and managers with a centralized platform to manage and deliver training content efficiently. 

    This can support closing the skill gap by:

    1. Content Management: Upload and organize training materials, resources, and assessments in a structured manner. This ensures easy access to relevant content and enables employees to track their progress.
    2. Tracking and Analytics: Monitor employees’ learning progress and assess their performance through analytics and reporting features. This data can help identify areas of improvement and evaluate the effectiveness of training initiatives.
    3. Automation: Streamline administrative tasks such as enrollment, progress tracking, and certification issuance through automation. This saves time and allows HR and L&D professionals to focus on strategic initiatives.

    Check out what other LMS considerations Craig Weiss discussed when he took the stage at Juno Journey’s annual event of the year – ReSkill2023

    Continuous Learning Culture

    Creating a culture of continuous learning is vital for addressing skill deficiencies in the workplace. Here’s how you can foster such a culture:

    1. Encourage Knowledge Sharing: Implement knowledge-sharing platforms or communities where employees can exchange ideas, insights, and best practices. This promotes a collaborative environment and facilitates ongoing learning.
    2. Provide Opportunities for Upskilling and Reskilling: Offer regular upskilling and reskilling opportunities to employees. This can be through internal workshops, external courses, or certifications. By investing in their development, employees feel valued and motivated to acquire new skills.
    3. Leadership Support: Foster leadership support for continuous learning initiatives. When leaders demonstrate a commitment to learning and development, it encourages employees to do the same.


    Closing the skills gap is a pressing challenge for organizations today. By implementing strategies and utilizing tools to identify and address skill deficiencies, HR and L&D professionals can pave the way for a more skilled and productive workforce. Remember to assess current skill sets, develop customized training programs, leverage learning management systems, and foster a culture of continuous learning. 

    With these practical tips, you can bridge the skills gap and empower your organization for success in an ever-changing business landscape.

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