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    The future of work

    Will Your Company Stay on the Hybrid Work Course During 2023?

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    Ethan Israel
    January 11, 2023
    4 min read
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    As we head into 2023, the future of work continues to evolve, and hybrid work schedules are poised to become the standard for many companies. Hybrid work provides the flexibility that employees crave, allowing them to work remotely, on-site, or a combination of both. It offers a host of benefits, including increased productivity, improved teamwork and collaboration, and greater professional development opportunities. However, as more companies embrace hybrid work, they must also face new challenges in integrating the change, adopting the right technologies, and finding the right balance between work-from-home and office hours.

    In this article, we will explore the benefits and challenges of hybrid work, as well as the strategies that organizations can employ to turn hybrid work into an asset. We will look at real-life examples and quotes from top learning and development personas to provide practical advice to HR professionals. By the end of this article, you will have a better understanding of how to create successful and engaging learning and development plans to support hybrid work in your organization.

    Hybrid Work Will Become Standard in 2023

    The future of work is flexible, and hybrid work schedules are the embodiment of that. Rather than feel as though they have to choose between remote or traditional work environments, people can feel empowered by having a choice.

    Companies also stand to gain a lot by embracing the hybrid work model. Gallup research reveals that hybrid work provides the opportunity for greater control over work hours, a chance to reduce burnout, and greater productivity from employees.

    Additional perks noted in the research are:

    • Greater collaboration
    • Better teamwork
    • Improved relationships with management
    • Greater professional development opportunities
    • More productivity during work hours
    • Greater connection to the company’s culture

    Why Hybrid Work Is So Important to Employees

    The love of hybrid/remote work options all comes down to one thing: freedom.

    When employees feel free in their careers, they also feel more in control of their success.

    Rather than seeing their achievements as mere deliverables for a company, they take pride in the work they do. They choose to work, and when to work, according to their needs. Some people may thrive during the early morning hours, and others do their best in the evening.

    A hybrid schedule gives people the freedom to be flexible, and take better care of themselves whilst performing their jobs.

    Employers are still afraid to go hybrid, and many are demanding their workers to return now that it’s safe to do so. The biggest challenge they face is a lack of control. What empowers workers can make companies feel powerless.

    But it doesn’t have to. Taking a different approach to hybrid work can lend organizations a chance to become more open-minded and inclusive.

    Challenges Facing the Future of Work

    There are three core problems employers will have going hybrid (if they haven’t already):

    1. Integrating the change among offices with varied teams
    2. Adopting the right technologies to keep data secure when people work remote
    3. Finding the right balance between work-from-home hours and office hours

    The solutions will have to arise individually within organizations. Cultural differences, industry, and the size of a company will shape how they go about adopting a hybrid model. Some businesses may feel comfortable giving their employees complete control over their day. Others may enforce stricter attendance policies to ensure that people are truly “at work” when they’re away from their desks.

    As for whether hybrid work will still be popular in 2023, the answer is a resounding, “Absolutely.” In fact, the younger generation entering the workforce this year will expect employers to provide flexible schedules.

    With greater fluidity, changes will also shape how the workplace supports its employees. Instead of traditional desks left unattended, companies should consider open seating plans that encourage collaboration.

    Turning Hybrid Work Into an Asset

    Companies will need the support of HR to fully integrate hybrid work into their business models. Adopting the right technologies early on in the year will set up organizations for the greatest success. In addition to providing on-demand training for employees, leadership can also benefit from training that helps them navigate hybrid management.

    With developing technologies, creating onboardings and trainings online for employees across the country and world to complete are easier than ever. Effectively being able to track their progress is thus essential to assess the success of these programs.


    If you want to read more about how to plan for the future of work in 2023 – check this out!👇

    How to Plan for The Future of Work in 2023

    and how to train employees in the era of hybrid work!

    Training Employees in the Era of Hybrid Work

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