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    The future of work

    Is hybrid work still going to be a thing in 2023?

    3981d993701d858b06d77445adf96ce621987b17 5184x34561 1 scaled
    Hadar Keren
    December 18, 2022
    3 min read
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    When the COVID-19 pandemic forced companies to go remote, it changed the workforce forever. Today, 26% of all U.S. employees work from home, and 16% of all American companies are entirely remote.

    Plenty of research tells us that the flexibility of working from home makes people happier, and more productive. Does that mean that hybrid work will continue to increase in 2023? Let’s take a closer look.

    At Juno Journey we have recently been investigating how we can effectively keep remote/hybrid employees more connected than ever using our centralized learning and development platform.

    Quick refresh: What is hybrid work?

    Hybrid work is a flexible work schedule that lets people work at home and in the office.

    It evolved during the tail-end of the initial pandemic. When businesses were able to tentatively reopen, they didn’t want to go “all in” and wind up closing again. So, to test the waters, they started allowing workers to come into work in smaller groups, for shorter shifts.

    People loved this flexibility so much that hybrid work is now one of the most desired job benefits in 2023.

    Why People Love Hybrid Work

    The number-one reason people love hybrid work is the flexibility. Don’t feel like getting dressed today? No problem, just put on a dress shirt, stay in your pajama bottoms, and log into your Zoom meeting as usual.

    Working with the team and want to cover some ground together? Head into the office for a brainstorming session, then leave by 2 PM.

    A Better Work-life balance

    When you have a full-time job, making time for your personal life isn’t easy. It doesn’t matter whether you’re married with kids or a puppy parent. When you work 40 to 60 hours a week in an office, it’s hard to find time to be present elsewhere.

    Enter the hybrid solution: companies get to keep workers on-site when they need them, and employees get more time where it matters the most.

    Improved Mental Health

    One of the downsides to remote work is that it can increase depression and isolation. People who are used to working closely with others can feel boxed out and unproductive on their own. They may feel like their work doesn’t have the same impact that it did when they were always bouncing off their colleagues and their ideas.

    It’s also harder to see the fruits of your labor when you’re turning in your biggest project of the year at your dining room table.

    A hybrid schedule is the best of both worlds for people who love the freedom of remote work, but also need the structure and feedback of a traditional office space.

    Also, having the ability to take it easy and work from home when necessary can help lower the risk of burnout.

    Improved Communication

    It might sound counterintuitive but working apart can actually make people communicate better. When they’re not able to see what the other is doing, they have to reach out for clarification. Teams can become more expressive, inquisitive, and collaborative when they’re working a hybrid schedule.

    And let’s face it, some things are just easier to say over a message.

    What is the future of hybrid work?

    Companies that haven’t already adopted hybrid schedules might want to reconsider. More employees than ever want remote options. And they’re willing to change jobs to get it. In January 2022, 61% of workers chose not to work from their office. And because many companies are still extremely hesitant to go fully remote, hybrid work is the ideal compromise.

    In 2023, expect to see more hybrid amenities enter buildings, and flexible schedules continue to be at the top of employees’ must-have benefits.

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