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    Employee Onboarding

    8 Employee Onboarding Statistics You Must Know in 2021

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    Ethan Israel
    February 8, 2022
    5 min read
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    COVID-19 changed the business landscape in 2020, and many of those adjustments continue as we enter 2022. Some of them, like remote work, may become permanent.

    Businesses have been forced to adopt technology solutions rapidly, make arrangements for flexible work schedules, and manage employee and customer safety at a high level. How has that impacted employee hiring and onboarding?

    Here are some key statistics you need to know in 2021.

    1. The Goal of Onboarding is Cultural Integration

    In a survey conducted by Human Capital Institute (HCI) and Kronos, 60% of employers said their primary goal when onboarding is to integrate new hires into the company culture.

    However, the same report shows that very little of the onboarding process focuses on company culture. This disconnect means that many businesses aren’t meeting their primary onboarding objective.

    When you use onboarding software, make sure that the solution is tailored to your goals, so there’s no gap between your aims and your results.

    2. Excellent Onboarding Improves Retention by 82%

    Organizations that have a strong onboarding process have seen new-hire retention rates improve by 82%. On top of that, they have an increase in productivity of 70%!

    As we emerge from the pandemic, hiring is going to increase rapidly. Your employees — even your new hires — have a lot of options in where they work. If you want them to stick with you, it’s essential to invest in the onboarding process.

    The more you can bond employees to your company and give them confidence in their role, the better you’ll do at retaining them.

    3. 56% of New Hires Want a Buddy

    A buddy system allows a new hire to better integrate with your company and navigate their first few weeks successfully. That’s why 56% of new hires want a buddy in the office when they start.

    A buddy can help a new hire with everything from finding the bathroom to getting office supplies to booking travel arrangements. They’ll also help explain the office’s unwritten rules, give tips on how to navigate new situations, and might even point out a great spot to have lunch nearby.

    To have a successful program, make sure you select the right employees as buddies and ensure they know what’s expected of them. Don’t choose someone cynical or disengaged. Instead, focus on employees with strong performance history and a willingness to teach someone new.

    The best part is that many times, a new hire who has great experience in the buddy program is excited to be a buddy for another new employee.

    4. 22% of Organizations Have No Formal Onboarding Process

    Throwing someone into their job on the first day without guidance is a recipe for failure, but it happens frequently. Only 28% of companies have a highly successful onboarding process, and a full 22% have none at all.

    If your company isn’t getting the results from hiring that you hope for, take a hard look at your onboarding process. If you don’t have one, that’s a problem that needs to be solved immediately!

    Focus your efforts on more than just making sure the new-hire paperwork is completed quickly. The first few days of work are an important opportunity to bond a new hire to your company.

    5. Negative Onboarding Experiences Lead to Turnover

    If someone has a negative experience while onboarding with your company, they are twice as likely to look for new opportunities in the near future.

    Not only does this cost you a lot of extra time and money as you work to refill the vacancy, but it also affects other employees’ productivity and morale. Ensure that your new hires know how to proceed throughout the onboarding process and that your systems are intuitive and user-friendly.

    When you do, you’ll avoid new-hire remorse and get more out of your employees more quickly.

    6. 72% of New Hires List Time With Their Boss as Critical

    What is it that new hires are looking for as part of their onboarding process? In a study on LinkedIn, 72% of respondents said that one-on-one time with their direct boss was the most crucial part of the onboarding process.

    Ensure managers understand this need and schedule face-to-face meetings with new employees multiple times in the first few weeks. These can serve as check-ins on work responsibilities, a chance to ask questions, and more.

    The more comfortable employees are with their direct supervisors, the more likely they are to stick with your company.

    7. 69% of Employees Are More Likely to Stay 3+ Years After Great Onboarding

    When you hire a new employee, you probably aim for them to stay with your organization for at least two or three years. How do you make this happen? By having a great onboarding process.

    69% of employees are more likely to stay three or more years if they have a strong onboarding experience. This is because they feel committed to the company, comfortable with their role, and bonded to their coworkers.

    Make sure your onboarding process is both informative and fun. Offer useful, branded gifts in the first week, and help new employees connect with their peers.

    8. 60% Of Companies Lack New Hire Goals

    Do new employees know how to win in their first few months with your company? If they don’t have goals, the answer is no. This can lead to lower productivity and morale, even though they just joined the team.

    An incredible percentage of 60% of companies don’t have short-term goals for new staff. Be different—set goals for the three-month, six-month, and nine-month marks. As you go, increase the amount of responsibility the new hire has.

    This will help show their skill level and build their confidence over time, which helps with retention and allows you to address skill gaps before they become critical.

    Onboarding is Crucial in 2021 and Beyond

    If your company doesn’t have a set of onboarding processes, it’s time to create one. Make sure you evaluate your company goals and match the procedures to them.

    Best practices include assigning a buddy or mentor, setting short-term new hire goals, and maximizing face-to-face time with the new manager. You’ll also want to create similar processes for remote workers.

    The right onboarding can help your company succeed in this decade and beyond!

    Create a meaningful and efficient onboarding process with our ready-made templates to kick off your new hires’ onboarding process. Reduce time and increase employee engagement with Juno Journey.

    Book some time with us to see how we can customize our LMS module, with it’s built-in employee onboarding solution, to your company needs

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